The King's Legend
Adjusting my my tie with my left hand. I bat my eyes, staring deep into Tommy's brown eyes as he sits across from me. In a compassionate voice, “It was in the summer when I was eight.” I take a slow deep breath. “She gradually stopped eating. Slowly [dramatic pause], losing all her weight. Getting skinnier and skinnier.” I nod, blankly looking down at the floor. “It was really, really sad.”
Suddenly, a female voice appears behind me, “You homo's talking about diets again.” I twist my neck to see our unattractive assistant, Jennifer.
“Jennifer, do you mind?” Tommy interrupts. Jessica's nose scrunches up in confusion. “Ricky, please go on.” As he raises his hands at me.
I lean back, cross my legs. “Thank you, Tommy.” Rolling my eyes up towards the ceiling. “She began losing her hair. Vomiting all over the place. I couldn't take it anymore.” I stare aimlessly into the abyss.
Jennifer intercepts, “I met a girl in high school who lost all her hair, because of a scalp infection.” Tommy and I turn our heads at her. Staring at her for interrupting.
“A little sensitivity please.” Tommy tells her, shaking his head in disappointment. “Ricky's in the middle of a very, very personal story about Stella,” in a disappointing tone.
I look over with her with my saddest eyes I could produce. “Stella.”
“Who's Stella?" Jennifer asks.
“It's my dog.” I reply. Taking a deep breath. “Let me just finish this up quick for you.”
“Sorry.” Jennifer's voices changes to a more emotional tone.
I align my arms into a carriage position like I would holding a little baby. Looking down at my arms. “I still remember it clearly, it was the night before the first day of school. Curling her bony little body against my lap in the living room.” An uncomfortable smile arise from my face. “I stare at her beating little eyes. The warmth from her body pressed against me. We fell asleep together on the floor.” I pause, biting my lower lip. Taking a huge breath. “When I woke up the next morning[long dramatic pause], I found her dead.” Jennifer gasp in astonishment.
Tommy voices out in sympathy, “I'm so sorry.”
“Oh no, Stella.” Jennifer gasps covering her mouth with her left hand. The room in silence. The only sound being Richard scratching the side of his ass.
I break out laughing. “Yeah, that shit never happened,”
“My friends, this is why I will always be swimming in an infinity pool of pussy.” A devilish grin runs across my face. Tommy shakes his head in admiration. “You've just experienced the story of Stella.”
“That is a good story.” Tommy raises his hand for a fist pump.
Jennifer claps her hands, “Bravo!” As I return Tommy's first pump.
“That leg splitter works every time.” I grin, looking up at Jennifer, “So, how can we help you?”
“Oh yeah, I found a new member for your group. Let me bring her in.” She shuffles out of the room.
Instantly returning mere moments later. “Hey guys, this is Rachel Wolfe.” I spin around on my chair to witness a gorgeous blonde with the sparkling blue eyes of a goddess. Her golden hair tied back into a bun in the back of her head. A glow follows her into the room. Peachy lips pushing up her soft cheeks. A sleek black dress hugging her magnificent curves, hiding her busty breasts within. Long slender legs. Golden hoop earrings dangling from each ear, holding an expensive black Hermes bag by her side.
As our eyes meet, my cock twitches. Throwing out my most dashing smile, looking straight into her radiant eyes. I stand up. “Hi, I'm Ricky and this is Tommy.” Raising my right hand for a handshake.
She returns the gesture with her subtle red pedicure little hand. A strange tingle occurs as soon as we touch. “Rachel, nice to meet you.”
I bite my lower lip, staring at her perfect little ass walk past me to shake hands with Richard. "Where did you go to school?" Tommy asks.
"Harvard, I just graduated." Rachel replies.
"No way, me too." The sound of running footsteps clapping echo through the hallway. Richard frankly marches in. His hair a mess. His tie not even put on properly, dropping his black messenger back on the floor. "Where the fuck have you been?" I ask him in a firm voice.
Richard bends over, with his hands above his knees. Panting heavily. "Sorry, morning quickie wasn't so quick." I clear my throat extremely loud, so that this idiot finally looks up. His jaw drops, "I'm so sorry, have we met?"
“Just because you had pussy for breakfast, doesn't mean you can be late. She's joining our team today.” Tommy tells him, breaking out in laughter.
“Good morning, I'm Richard.” Slowly he stands up straight, reaching out for a handshake.
An awkward pause occurs as Rachel doesn't reply. You can tell from the look in her eyes, she's evaluating him. Looking up and down at him from head to toe. Sizing him up. “Umm, did you wash your hands yet?” She investigates.
“Oh shit!” As Richard turns around.
“Disgusting, dirty kid, gross.” We all scream out, as he rushes out of the room.
We all break out in laughter. Unable to contain ourselves. Once we finally settle down. I command my newly acquired team, "Grab all your stuff, it's time to go."
This week we are off to Los Angeles. I now work for the best management consultant firm in New York, Mayer & Smith. Basically, we give large companies advice to improve their business. Help them find out what's messing them up. Therefore allowing them to rise to new heights and higher year end bonuses. Let's be real though, who are we to come in for a couple of days to help the way they've been doing for centuries. Sometimes we can't find a way improve their business, that's the truth. We still need to convince them that they need us. That they can't survive without us. Keeping us on the payroll fiscal year after year.
The legend of Ricky King travels from far and wide. I heard about him when I was still in Business school. The reason why I wanted to work here, aside from being it being the best consultant firm in Manhattan, is when I saw Ricky King featured top 30 under 30 consultants. I wanted to learn from him. Luckily for me I got placed on his team. Tall, young, charismatic, handsome, and the best consultant around. The ideal man for any women. Maes me kind of wet just thinking about it. To bad I can't mix business with pleasure.
I sit in my seat silently, eyes shut. Pretending to be sleeping. Trying to make it look believable, while still maintaining my elegance. My poise. Carefully ease dropping on the boy talk.
"So, Tommy. Are you willing to admit marriage life sucks yet?" I hear from a short distance away. It must be Richard asking, because Ricky is sitting right beside me.
"Alyssa is my life." Obviously it's Tommy that replies.
I hear a chuckle. "Doesn't the sex get old."
"Honestly, it actually getting better." Tommy announces like he truly believes it. That's so sweet.
"You're such a lair. How can one pussy every single day get better." Is Richard a playboy? Or does he just talk the talk?
"Whatever man. So I hear you've met someone new last weekend." Playboy.
"Sort of, but you know my motto: hook, catch and release." Definitely playboy.
"We're not college frat boys anymore. You got to settle down sometime."
"Screw that. What do you think Ricky?"
"Leave me alone dickheads." My heart drops hearing Ricky's seductive voice. I feel Ricky beside me fidgeting within his seat. I slowly peek through my right eye as he stands up. I couldn't help myself, but stare at his scrumptious ass making his way down the aisle.
Ricky eventually returns, however the other two fail to continue
their conversation. I slowly open my eyes. Raising my arms for a stretch, yawning to sell off that I was actually sleeping. I look over to see if everyone is awake. Ricky turns his head to me, shooting a charming smile at me. "How was your nap?"
"It was good." I fib. Smiling back with my mouth open wide. Showing him my pearly whites.
"Are you nervous?" He asks.
"A little, this is my first time."
"Glad I could be with you for your first," he smirks. Even though that sounded perverted, coming from him. It felt normal. I could never think of him as creepy. He's sexy as fuck. Amazing job, chiseled jaw, dashing smile, hazelnut brown hair wrapped beautifully in a beautiful black three piece suit. From the tightness of his suit on him, you could tell he has the body of a Greek god. Makes me wet just thinking about him being two centimetres away. At least I could smell his clone drifting in the air can keep me at bay. However, nothing will ever happen. This is my first job out of Business School. This job is way to important to me, to lose it by getting defiled by this Spartan.
Ricky dictates to the others. "We're almost there team. Tommy your on management, Richard prepare the presentation, Rachel analyze the business model, and I'll take care of the financial."
I totally forgot about the job. The company that hired us is a dildo company called, Midnight toys. They make the best dildos around. In a twenty billion dollar industry, that's one expensive golden dildo. One that we want to take a piece from in consulting fees.
Ricky places a folder on my lap. "Thank you." Opening it to find papers of notes and pictures of the products. Who their target audience is. Even a coloured catalogue. I freeze, slowly turning my head over my shoulders, looking at the others deep in their assignments. "Ricky have you seen this yet?" I ask.
"No, I haven't gotten a chance yet." He replies.
I lean over to my left. My right hand holding up the folder. Blocking Ricky and the others from seeing what I'm looking at. Peeking through the catalogue. Flipping through pages and pages of different dildos. Black, green, red, even blue ones. Short, long, and really really long ones. Skinny, fat, and normal circumference.
I lick my lips. There is just so many, many toys to choose from.
The air plane begins to rumble. Beep. The intercom announces, "We are currently experiencing turbulence, could everyone please return to their seats and buckle up there seat belts. Thank you." I close the folder, reaching underneath my folder to buckle up. The disturbance of the plane causes the baby behind me to release the power of his lungs.
The plane jerks and my folder goes catapulting. I reach my hands out into the air, unable to grasp the folder as it scrambles apart. "Nooooooo!" My paperwork propelling itself through the air.
Unfortunately, the catalogue falls into the lap of a twelve year old Chinese girl and if that wasn't so bad. It's opened up on the page featuring, "The Destroyer." A gigantic thick black dildo, veins popping covering one entire page.
A loud shrieking scream rings across the air plane. Her mother quickly covers her daughter's eyes with one hand. In agony, unable to unbuckle the seat belt. I agaonize within my chair.
Ricky stands up and shuffles past me. I try to stop him by snatching the end of his jacket. However, unsuccessful. "Ricky, no you don't have to." My heart dropping to the floor.
The stewardess repeats, "Excuse me sir, can you please return to your seat." Ricky ignores her making his way down the aisle. The plane continues to rock back and forth. My papers zooming down the lane.
Ricky makes his way up the aisle bouncing off chairs left and right. He quickly snatches the catalogue off from the little girls lap. Gracefully apologizing to the adolescent girl and her mother for me. The mother is unable to deny Ricky's crescent shaped smile. He bends over to pick up the remaining of the floor. I repeat, "Thank you, thank you Ricky". Over and over again. Trying to cloak the fact that I'm staring at his perfect symmetrical ass once again.
I smile, continue thanking him as he returns to his seat. He thanks the other passengers for handing him some of the papers they found.
"No problem." He replies handing me back the folder. He looks over at me without saying a word. Then the side of his lips begin to rise. Cheeks getting bigger. He bursts out laughing, whispering into my ear so the other guys don't hear, "Do you want me to get you 'A Destroyer' as a welcome gift?"
My face instantly turns into a cherry. I bite into both lips. Then I try to smile, "I think I'm good, thank you." I reply. I feel like I could die from embarrassment.
I head out of the washroom maneuverings between a fat black Spider man, skinny Incredible Hulk, and a handsome Joker. Walking up to the receptionist counter of the Gold hotel. I think they're called Gold hotel, because they have a solid gold bathtub in the penthouse suite. That suite costs more than ten times any other suite. To bad it's booked for the week. It would be perfect expense to put on the corporate account. "Room for Ricky King from Mayer and Smith." I ask the foxy young brunette receptionist. Shooting at her my one of a kind dazzling smile.
"I'm sorry Mr. King, under the Mayer and Smith account there is no Ricky King." She pauses waiting for me to answer.
"Can you check again?" I ask her, looking over at Richard in confusion. Richard just shrugs his shoulders.
"Yes, let me see here." She looks at the computer. "Sorry, your still not on it and sadly all of our rooms are booked. Unfortunately all the other hotels are booked as well. Comic con convention this week." She points around at all the freaks in costumes.
"No kidding." I spin around leaning back on the counter. Spinning my head left and right to take a look.
"Maybe you guys could share a room." The receptionist suggests. I dip my head as I stare over at Tommy and Richard. "If you ever need anything else, let me know," she winks at me.
Silence runs across the four of us. "Ummm" Richard mutters. Slowly handing out his keys.
"Richard, I couldn't accept this." I snicker, snatching the keys from his hand.
"No, I insist. " Richard replies. His face saddening.
"Not like we have a chance." Tommy adds shaking his head in dissappointment.
"Have fun sleeping together and don't do anything I wouldn't do." I snicker.
Richard eagerly jumps up at the receptionist, "Can you check again if there are any more rooms?"
"How about I throw in a free continental breakfast?" She offers.
"Can you bring in another bed?" Tommy asks.
"There's no room in that suite, there's already a queen size in there. I could bring you extra sheets." She informs them.
I fake cough, "Losers!" as I begin walking away, gesturing my head in the directions of the elevator. "So what floor are you on?" I ask Rachel.
"Five." Rachel replies.
"I'm on six. Not that far apart." I respond. Noticing her bite the tip of her lips.
"Stop!" Rachel says in surprise. Releasing her bags from her hand. She walks up to me. With her pretty small hands, she begins fixing my tie. "You got to make yourself presentable at all times."
I sarcastically respond, "Thanks mom." I smile, staring into her sparkling eyes. Trying to resist myself from ravaging her.
Ding. The door opens to the elevator door. I gesture my right hand guiding Rachel to go in first. "Thanks," she murmurs walking past me. Entering the elevator behind her only to be squished beside Rachel. Face to face with her. I grin at the circumstances. So close that only a piece of paper can fit between us.
Her magnificent creamy perfume lingers between us. "So, what do you think of the boys so far?" I ask her.
"I like them. There like immature little brothers, I never had." Her breath smells like fresh mint. Trying my best to contain myself.
"They grow on you don't they." I hope someone behinds me pushes me right now. So I can feel her heavenly breasts against my chest. Please god, just help me out here. You know I never ask you for anything. Just this once. Help a brother out.
She smiles back at me. Together in silence we stare at each other smiling. DING. "This is my floor."
"See you later." I reply. She slowly wiggle pass me pulling along her baggage. She tries her best to squeeze past me, consequently rubbing her savory breasts against my pecs. Excited from the moment my eyes roll up on there own. Gladly, Rachel didn't see it as she leaves. I think my cock is a little wet. I need to contain myself.
TOUR of facility
Waiting like douches for the king dick in his office. He's thirty fucken minutes late. Just a small office with a desk in the centre. Surrounded by shelves and shelves of countless dildos.
Rachel sitting in awe at the view. Silently observing everything. Without uttering a word.
Richard comes over, patting me on the back of my right shoulder with a mini green dildo, about three inches long. I squirm knocking it off my shoulder. "What the fuck?"
He smiles, "Do you think this is the right size of Tommy's dick?" I turn my head to Tommy. Staring at him for a good three seconds.
"It's wayyyy to big for him. Try to the find a microscopic one." I snicker. Richard breaking out in laughter. Tossing the green dildo across the room at Tommy's chest.
Richard and Tommy, begin having a duel like in Revenge of the Jeti. Except with purple dildos the size of my arms. Whipping them around in the air. The boys make sounds effects as they collide. TING. TING. TING. Tommy gets a smack in the arms. In retaliation, Tommy slashes his purple dildo towards Richard's face.
Time moving in slow motion. Richard leans back, trying to do the Matrix. His mouth open wide gasping for air. The dildo rippling across the air. Skimming the tip of Richard's lips. Richard dramatically falls to the floor. Whipping his face. Screaming out, "It burns! It burns!"
We all explode in laughter. Richard places a finger on the tip of the dildo. Bursting out, "It's wet!" Laughter roars inside the office.
The door swings open. We abruptly stop laughing, trying our best to hold it in. I stand up from my seat, buttoning up my suit jacket. A young African American man walks in his early thirties. Young for a guy owning a multimillion dollar company. Round pudgy face, curly black hair. Small rectangle glasses. Wearing a dark blue suit with a grey dress shirt underneath. Dark blue Burberry tie clinging to his neck.